The Business Card “Zilok”
Website for the delivery of construction materials “Zilok”
- The content management system has been developed by the programmers of the “Ra-Solo” studio
- Original photo gallery software: a combination of Fancybox, Mouseweel and jCrop plugins
- Feedback requests are stored in the database on the server
- The HTML template Konstruct by Themesflat is implemented

The Business Card “Alhemaidi”
The site of the
trading enterprise “Alhemaidi”, Doha, Qatar
- The HTML template “Induxtro” by “Envytheme” is implemented
- The content management system is developed by the programmers of the “Ra-Solo” studio
- Popular JS/JQ plugins are used: MixItUp – genuine sorting, “jQuery Nice-Select” – improved drop-down lists, “Popper” – pretty tooltips
- Feedback requests are stored in the database on the server

The Business Card “SpilServis”
The site of the public services enterprise “SpilServis”
- The Trucking theme of Pixel Industry company production is implemented
- The content management system has been developed by the programmers of the “Ra-Solo” studio
- The standard jQuery slider is used, as well as the MooTools toolkit
- Website layout is responsive

Tracking Exchange Rates
The software for
monitoring of electronic and crypto currency exchange rates
- The content management system was developed by the programmers of the “Ra-Solo” studio
- The components are hosted on two remote servers
- The AJAX technology is widely used in this project – data exchange without reloading the whole page
- The visitor can see the exchange rate dependencies on time

The Consultative and Diagnostic Center
Business card of the Consultative and Diagnostic Center «Insite»
- Technology is the PHP+jQuery classic template engine
- The template Clinix of Themifycloud production is implemented
- Content by “Ra-Solo” web studio
- The Boootstrap framework is implemented