There should be no doubt about…

Why not order a website right now? There are at least eight reasons to do this.

“After all, if the stars are lit, it means that somebody needs it?” These two lines of the great poet Vladimir Mayakovsky do contain an important principle of the universe. Let’s not go deep into the philosophical jungle. Think about what has changed in the world since the Internet was invented? What changed when billions of people started using the World Wide Web? Definitely, the Internet benefits all of us, even those who come to the computer just to dust it off.

Hundreds and thousands of books have been written about the benefits of the Internet. But we try to formulate at least some of the reasons that induce many of us to transfer our life and business to the virtual world.

  1. Your business will look more authoritative and representative
  2. Today, more and more people are using the Internet to find the products or services they need. If you are a small or medium-sized business owner, your website has significantly increased consumer confidence in the goods and/or services produced. If you do not have a website, potential customers visit your competitors’ websites, and, accordingly, order their services or buy their products. If you already have a website, but it looks unprofessional, then you should immediately improve your online representation. As for those self-employed market participants who produce goods or provide services in the community, they simply have to pay attention to the site or web page, since financially it is the most affordable way to expand the reach of potential customers. Usually, the old fashioned methods of promoting the products or services are simply not available for “homeworkers”.

  3. Website Saves You Money
  4. It happens that due to own ignorance, any small business owner mistakenly believes that he cannot afford a professional website. But in reality the situation is reversed, the owner of a small or medium-sized business simply does not have the right not to pay attention to his Internet presence. Like any product or service, the cost of developing a website can be either expensive or affordable depending on the situation. However, on average, a small business website costs the customer an amount that is equivalent to the monthly salary of an unskilled worker, or even cost a couple of dozen dollars. Considering the extremely low operating costs, and also taking into account the high prices for newspaper and television advertising, it is necessary to make a decision right now. Order the development of at least a business card site immediately. Among other things, weighty “points” in favor of Internet advertising are added by such factors as wide coverage of the target audience, the possibility of targeting, as well as around the clock availability of information that you would like to convey to your future customers, subscribers and customers.

  5. All your customers will be maximally informed
  6. If you have recently used the Internet, it’s better not to ponder and puzzle over complex, highly scientific terms and concepts such as “content management system” or “interactive interface”. It’s enough to understand that the site of your company is something like an electronic brochure or catalog. Since the access to the Internet is available almost everywhere and always in our time, the existence of the company’s website allows you to simply and quickly update information about your products and services. You can do it almost instantly! This could not even be dreamed of in the era of rapidly aging paper catalogs and price lists, thick and heavy yellow books and outdated press releases. Your own website provides an excellent opportunity for your customers to instantly learn about the arrival of new products, upcoming events, special promotions or the appearance of any new services provided by your company. Your site can provide up-to-date information and news unlike print ads that quickly become obsolete.

  7. Information is available on the site 24 hours a day
  8. Your online resource is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round. Customers have all the comforts that were laid out in the server algorithm by site developers. Customers have all those features even while your store or office is closed.

  9. Your site allows you to sell goods and services around the world
  10. It does not matter whether you sell products or services on your website, the Internet provides you with an additional audience of potential customers. If you work in the retail industry, your site always presents your products and services to a much larger number of customers and consumers than the usual, as they say, offline selling capacities. And the owner of the site always has the opportunity to trade products and services in real time. The site owner could organize an on-site operator service for customers, create flexible discount systems, etc. Do not forget that e-commerce site owners successfully sell even cars and real estate on their shops!

  11. The site is a storefront of your business
  12. No matter what type of business you are developing. Your website is a great place, where there is a great opportunity to show your work with the best hand. You can place a portfolio or a photo gallery there. Customers can write reviews on your site about the quality of goods and services. Ultimately, a well-designed “electronic showcase” can make your business truly unique.

  13. Web site saves you time
  14. Analyze any working day of the sales manager. It’s just horrible how long it takes to transfer the various information to clients and customers. The manager has to talk on the phone and speak face-to-face with people. The manager ought to send out brochures and booklets. The manager has to text different messages by E-mail. The manager has to send enormous photo archives by E-mail. But another life is waiting for you! With the online catalog you can provide a huge amount of information about your products and services. The huge data set is available to your customers right after your company’s website starts working. Now this huge data amount is available seven days of a week around the clock, saving your time. And what is time? Time is money!

  15. The site improves the quality of customer service
  16. Maybe you are selling organic products and want to share tips on how to recycle them? Or, maybe you are the owner of a consulting firm, but the government constantly and relentlessly introduces new legislation? Because of this, your customers need constant discussion, they need to optimize tax deductions, streamline official documents and simplify the accounting process. In this case, your site also provides irreplaceable help. Just order the programmers a thematic forum or at least a page of frequently asked questions. Even better, you have to add thematic articles to the site among other things. You have to post information bulletins regularly as well. This significantly reduces the cost of working hours for consultations. This also could solve many current problems of your customers as well. And you just need to fill the relevant sections of the site with the relevant data.

Today’s internet technologies are powerful and comprehensive, just as versatile. Of course, you can expand the list of arguments in favor of e-commerce yet many points. But it’s better not to waste time checking the obvious reasons, but to order website development for our web studio specialists.

Welcome, and happy e-business in mutually beneficial cooperation with our team!

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