There should be no doubt about…

Why not order a website right now? There are at least eight reasons to do…

“After all, if the stars are lit, it means that somebody needs it?” These two lines of the great poet Vladimir Mayakovsky do contain an important principle of the universe. Let’s not go deep into the philosophical jungle. Think about what has changed in the world since the Internet was invented? What changed when billions of people started using the World Wide Web? Definitely,



How to become the owner of your own…

The site is a simple thing: Six steps in the development and production of…

At first glance, even the simplest website requires you to go through several standard steps and procedures in the process of its development and manufacturing. The first step would be the ordering of the source information and the latter step would be the solution of technical problems. If you carefully read this article to the end and follow all these stages of work, you…



How to increase site traffic

Several ways to attract visitors to a web project

What are the links and what the heck are they for? Everything that people do – they do for people, eventually. This fully applies to web projects. If you have ordered (made, bought) a site, and no one ever visits it, it means that your efforts and your money were wasted. Where do visitors come from on any site? Let’s try to make a complete list of the traffic sources. Speaking…



Choice of technologies

Briefly about how the experts of “Ra-Solo” web studio work for our clients.

Market relations have entered our life firmly and forever. The Internet was no exception. A very difficult choice problem had to be solved for everyone, who ever thought about buying (producing) his own Internet resource. Why is this problem big and difficult? That’s for several reasons. First, the come-at-able and ubiquitous Internet service predetermines the huge financial…



Piggyback campaign “Site and…

Advertising is the engine of business

This piggyback campaign is carried out in order to attract the attention of the target audience to the services of “Ukrmirkom LLC” and the “Ra-Solo Web-studio” . The nature of the promotion is the usual principle of providing discounts to new customers during the piggyback campaign. How to become a participant of the campaign To take part in the campaign, you must apply in any…


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