for website cost

Landing page
This is a standalone web page, created specifically for a marketing or advertising campaign, or at least to publish basic information about a company, person, or group of people. The structure of such a page consists of several information or interactive sections located vertically, one below the other.
Business card
Such a site is usually dedicated to a small company or business. The business card is not aimed at the sale of products, but instead serve to provide detailed information about the business structure, features of products and/or services, partners, suppliers, service centers, etc.
The concept website is necessary to post a large amount of information on the Internet. The information is published as an articles, notes, theoretical publications, practical recommendations, etc. On the other hand, the functionality of a concept website does not contain the algorithms for an e-commerce website.
Online store
This term refers to any online shopping resource. Most online stores have the functionality that allows customers to make up the order, as well as to specify both the payment and delivery conditions.